When will my cleaner arrive & how will I provide access?

A typical schedule for a cleaner consists of multiple clients booked in any one day. This means your cleaner is likely to be travelling from another job when they are heading to your home. Sometimes it is difficult to commit to an exact arrival time (apart from the very first appointment in the morning) for this reason. The cleaners frequently experience variables such as travel/traffic delays, and the completion time of previous appointments, impacting their arrival time to your home.

Our cleaners generally service homes between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm. When possible, please allow for an open time frame rather than an exact arrival time. Our cleaners appreciate your understanding and flexibility with arrival times.

At times, you may not be home to let your cleaner in. In this event you may leave a key in a lock box, or another safe place, for ease of access. Clients who utilise a lock box help eliminate any potential issues of accessing your home.

If requested, we will try to rearrange your booking time, to better suit your schedule. However please note, such requests can be challenging to accommodate as, in general, our cleaner’s schedules are fully booked. For this reason, we recommend using a lock box, or some other safe form of easy key access, thereby minimising any inconvenience to yourself and scheduling disruptions for your cleaner.

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